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Yoga Spirit Circle

Abundant Heart

Life can be hectic, keeping us on a hamster wheel of thoughts and worries. We anticipate problems, try to control situations, and dwell on our mistakes – and the more we do it, the less ‘connected’ we tend to feel, which only makes things worse. On this retreat, you’re invited to break free from this state of being by opening and listening to the wisdom of your heart…

Each day, we’ll flow through our yoga practice, carried by inspiring musical vibrations, and sing mantras that fill us with joy. We’ll use the breath to soothe our nerves and take deep rest with Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra, creating the stillness we need to see ourselves as we really are. Enjoy listening to the stories and myths behind the asanas as a playful way of understanding life’s universal themes – and looking at our own situations with a fresh perspective.

This shared journey will remind you that you are part of a bigger whole and connect you to the abundant joy that comes with this experience. You’ll learn to let sadness and pain flow through you, gently widening your compassion towards yourself and others. Above all, you will discover that freedom from worry doesn’t come from controlling your outer world, but from trusting yourself in this very moment.

August 6

Yoga Spirit Circle

October 19

Yoga Spirit Circle